A Tale of Two Festivals: Celebrating Community and Connection

Festivals are more than just gatherings—they’re a celebration of community, connection, and the simple joys that unite us. Recently, I had the pleasure of attending two such remarkable festivals, each unique yet bound by the same spirit of warmth and togetherness.

The first was held at Willowbrook Farm in Oxford. The setting couldn’t have been more perfect—surrounded by nature’s beauty, we were blessed with glorious weather that seemed to reflect the warmth of the people who gathered there. The company was fantastic, full of kindred spirits and shared laughter. As we enjoyed the sunshine and the vibrant atmosphere, Divine Tea was lovingly received by everyone, adding to the richness of the experience. It was a day of smiles, conversations, and memories that I’ll cherish.

Next, the journey took us to the Cotswolds for Rumi Fest. Once again, the weather was on our side, gracing us with sunshine that lit up the stunning landscape. Just like in Oxford, the people we met were wonderful—open-hearted and full of good energy. The reception for Divine Tea was just as warm, a testament to the shared appreciation for simple pleasures and good company. It was another day that reminded me of the power of community and the joy of coming together.

At both festivals, the experience was enhanced by the shared love for Divine Tea, which was beautifully received by everyone we met. I’m deeply thankful to all who supported us, making these festivals not just events, but heartfelt celebrations of connection and positivity.In a world that often feels disconnected, these two festivals reminded me of the beauty of togetherness. Whether in the serene surroundings of Willowbrook Farm or the picturesque Cotswolds, the spirit of community shone brightly. Here’s to more gatherings that bring us closer, and to the simple joys that make life richer.